LGBT Cancer Support Groups

Join the world wide LGBT cancer survivor support community at OUT WITH CANCER
We are Proud to Announce the New LGBTQ cancer support group in Baton Rouge, meetings will be on the third Thursdays at 7 pm. The meetings will be held at the Metropolitan Community Church of Baton Rouge at 7747 Tom Drive. Everyone who can get there is invited!
Contact for more information.
We’re developing more LGBT Cancer Support Groups in 2012…contact us if you would like to start one
The New Jersey LGBT Cancer Support Group;
A discussion group in which LGBT cancer survivors, patients under active treatment, and their caregivers come together to share their experiences, knowledge, concerns, fears, and hopes in a supportive and respectful environment. Meetings take place at 7:30 PM on the second Friday of every month at the Pride Center of New Jersey in Highland Park, NJ. Inquiries can be sent to Alex at and we can be followed on Twitter @NJLGBTCSG or on Facebook at New Jersey LGBT Cancer Support Group.